GKSF Urocare is a mobile Urodynamics Unit, a facility for the other Doctors and Hospitals which provide the diagnosis at the doctor’s doorstep for the patient’s assessment.
Urodynamics is a study that assesses how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine. Urodynamic tests help your doctor see how well your bladder and sphincter muscles work and can help explain symptoms such as:
- Incontinence
- Frequent urination
- Sudden, strong urges to urinate
- Problems starting a urine stream
- Painful urination
- Problems emptying your bladder completely
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
Urodynamics provide the information necessary to diagnose the cause and nature of a patient’s incontinence, thus giving the best treatment options available.
What is Incontinence?
As per the muscles in and around the bladder and urethra tend to weaker with age and it may result not being able to empty your bladder completely. As a result the risk for urinary track infection may increases.
As a result the weak muscles of the sphincters and pelvis can lead to urinary “Incontinence” in which the involuntary leakage of urine is happening. Due to which the sphincter muscles can not remain tight enough to hold urine in the bladder.
Clear indication for some type of urodynamic investigation include patients with persistent lower urinary track symptoms (LUTS) despite presumed appropriate therapy and patient in whom potential therapy may have significant side effects. Urodynamics can also be invaluable in determining the impact of a known disease process on the lower urinary track.
- Patients in whom potential therapy may be hazardous where one would want to be sure of the correct diagnosis before instituting therapy.
- Patient with recurrent incontinence in whom surgery is planned.
- Patient with incontinence and a confusing mix of stress and urge symptoms and those with associated voiding problems.
- Patients with neurologic disorders and those with a mismatch between symptoms and clinical findings.
- Patients with L.U.T.S Suggestive of bladder outlet obstruction.
- Patients with persistent L.U.T.S (Lower urinary track symptoms) despite presumed appropriate therapy.
- Patients with L.U.T.S who have obstructive and marked instability symptoms.
- Patient with obstructive L.U.T.S and neurologic disease young men with L.U.T.S.
- All neurologically impaired patients who have neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
- Children with daytime urgency and urge incontinence.
- Children with persistent diurnal enuresis.
- Children with spinal dysraphism.
- Urodynamic testing.
Urodynamic tests can range from simple observation to precise measurement using sophisticated instruments.
Uro-Flow meter
The urodynamic equipment creates a graph that show changes in flow rate from second to second so the doctor or nurse can see the peak flow and how many second it took to get there. The volume of the urine is divided by the time to see what your average flow rate is.
Measurement of Post-Void Residual
We can also measure the post void residual with ultrasound equipment that uses harmless sound wave to create a picture of the bladder. If the post-void residual is more then 200ml is an sign of problem.
Cystometry (cmg)
Cystometry measure that how much your bladder can hold, how much pressure builds up inside your bladder as the urine stones in it. How full it is when you feel the urge to urinate.
Elactro Myography
This test measures the muscles activity in & around urethral sphincter by using special sensors. The sensors are placed on the skin near the urethra & rectum or they are located on the urethral or rectal catheter.
Video Urodynamic
This pictures & videos show the size & shape of the urinary tract & help your doctor or nurse to understand you problem.
How U.D.S is done?
The doctor will use a catheter to empty the patient’s bladder completely. Then a special, two channel small catheter will be placed in the bladder. One channel is used for filling the bladder & another channel is connected with pressure measuring device called monometer. Then the bladder will be filled slowly with warm water during this time you will be asked how your bladder feels & when you feel the need to urinate. The volume of water and the bladder pressure will be recorded. You may be asked to cough or stain during this procedure.Involuntary bladder contractions can be identified.
Measurement leak point pressure The manometer will record the pressure at the point when the leakage occurred. This reading may provide information about the kind of bladder problem you have, you may also be asked to apply abdominal pressure to the bladder by coughing, shifting position, or trying to exhale while holding your nose & mouth. “The action helps doctors to evaluate your sphincter muscles”.Pressure Flow Study This pressure flow study helps to identify bladder outlet obstructions that men may experience with prostate enlargement.
After the Test
- Patient may have mild mild discomfort for a few hours after the test when the patients urinate.
- Drinking an 8 ounce glass of water each half an hour for two hours should help.
- Patient should be get advised by the doctor to take warm bath or not, if not, then you may be able to hold a warm, damp wash cloth over the urethral opening to relieve the discomfort.
- Doctor may give an antibiotic to take for 1 or 2 days to prevent and infection to the patient.
- If the patient suffers from pain, chills or fever then the patient should call their doctor at once.
Urodynamics advantages for doctors. – Urodyanmics help’s solving a urinary problem. – Urodynamics solves the problem of urine leakage measurements of yours patient. – Urodynamics provide information about a bladder problem & bladder function. – It will solve the problem of blocked urine-flow.
Urodynamics advantage for the patient’s. – Urodynacmics help’s in the diagnosis of urinary track infection, which may lead to kidney damage. – The patients can get the U.D.S service at their family doctors, regarding kidney & urological diseases.